Alpine Professional Answering Service has served Northern Michigan and the surrounding areas for over 30 years. Ron and Susie Skoglund acquired the business in the Fall of 2007. Over the years, we strengthened our relationships with existing customers while welcoming new clients and opportunities.
Alpine Professional Answering Service is an extension of YOU! Our job is to make sure you do not miss a call. Whether we are answering all of your phones seven days a week, covering lunches and after hours, or monitoring your oil and gas wells, we are here for you!
Our services include:
Answering 24 hours a day, seven days a week
Answering part-time for lunches, nights weekends and holidays
800 numbers available
Mini service available for weekend service only
Dedicated line for your business, also have 800# available
Secretarial service: take messages, typed copies of logs, fax and e-mail services, Phone call transfers and texted notifications also available
Monitor and dispatch radio, phone or e-mail alarms for the gas and oil industry
Area businesses that would benefit from our services:
Gas & Oil Development & Management Services
Doctor's Offices
Funeral Homes
Heating, Cooling & Plumbing Companies
General Contractors
Cleaning Services
Locksmith Services
Towing Companies
On the road sales personnel